Pruning Tips – How to Do a Major Shrub Pruning 

Pruning is an important part of maintaining your landscape. While some shrubs are better left to their own devices, others need to be pruned a bit more frequently than others. If you have a shrub that needs major pruning, consider thinning over heading back. The new growth will be most vigorous within six to eight inches of the pruning cut. 

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Rejuvenation pruning is the removal of old, overgrown limbs 

Rejuvenation pruning is similar to tree care, with the exception that it targets overgrown plants. The process can improve the overall health of shrubs and trees, as well as increase their lifespan. It is also an effective way to improve visibility and safety. 

Thinning is preferred over heading back 

When it comes to pruning a shrub, the two primary techniques are heading back and thinning. Heading back involves selectively cutting back branches that have not yet developed buds. This produces a more compact, dense shrub, which has a greater number of leaves and shoots. The cuts should be made at an angle so that a healthy bud is facing the direction the plant wants to grow. Thinning, on the other hand, involves completely removing all branches, reducing the size of the plant while promoting healthy new growth. 

Evergreens need less pruning 

During the late winter and early spring, most evergreens need less pruning, but they need to be pruned in the proper way. This will allow the wounds to heal quickly and encourage the development of new shoots. An exception to this rule is flowering evergreens, which need to be pruned after the blooms have faded to make room for the buds. Pruning during the late summer and fall will cause winter damage to the plant, so it is best to avoid these types of pruning. 

Crape myrtle 

Crape myrtles can be trained to maintain their vase shape and avoid having a shrubby appearance by trimming off excess branches. Ideally, you want to leave the main trunk of the shrub bare of branches for about three to eight feet. 


There are some specific tools you will need to prune blueberry shrubs, but you probably already have some of them at home. You will need hedge shears, which are useful for pruning large branches, floral scissors, and a large bucket for collecting pruning cuttings. 


When you prune your shrubs, it is important not to remove more than a third of the overall mass of the plant at a time. This will help the plant preserve its foliage and grow new growth quickly. Avoid pruning a shrub too close to a bud, as this can cause disease.