How much does a tree cost? How much for a clearcut? 

As a business owner, you likely know the cost of trees. You may also know that it costs more to clear a forest than it does to simply purchase a tree. To make sure you understand how much different types of trees cost, we asked a representative from a lumber company what their monthly price was for two different types of trees. 

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How much does a tree cost? 

The cost of a tree can vary depending on the size and type of tree. For small trees, it may only cost $0.50-$1 per pound to cut them down. For larger trees, the cost may range from $5-$25 per pound to cut them down. 

How Much Does a Tree Cost to Cut 

When cutting a tree, make sure to consider the height of the tree, the type of tree (hardwood or softwood), and how long it will take you to cut it down (normally between 2-8 hours). Additionally, be aware of the eco-friendly methods you can use to reduce your impact on the environment: such as using a chisel or saw blade that is non-toxic or using an electric chainsaw. 

The Cost of a Clearcut 

A clearcut is simply when all of the wood has been removed from a forested area, typically for housing or other purposes. The cost for an entire clearcut may range anywhere from $10-$200 per acre. 

How much does a tree cost to grow? 

A tree costs a lot of money to grow. For example, a typical tree will cost around $50 to $300 to grow. However, it can be difficult to calculate the price of a clearcut. The average price for a clearcut is often much higher than the cost of growing a single tree. In some cases, the price of a clearcut may be based on the size of the cut and how many trees are being removed. 

How much does a tree cost to tear down? 

Trees can cost anywhere from a few dollars per cubic meter to hundreds of dollars per cubic meter to tear down and maintain. Depending on the tree’s size, the cost of tearing it down and maintaining it may also vary. For example, a small tree may only require a few hundred dollars to tear down and replace with a new one, while a large tree may require several thousand dollars to properly dismantle and replace. 

In order to calculate the total cost of tearing down a tree, it is important to take into account both the average price per cubic meter of bark (or any other protective layer) and the amount of time it will take to tear down and replace the tree. For example, if the average price for bark is $0.12 per cubic meter and it takes 5 hours to remove all of it from a small tree, then the total cost would be $100 ($10 x 5 hours). On the other hand, if the average price for bark is $1.25 per cubic meter and it takes 10 hours to remove all of it from a large tree, then the total cost would be $200 ($20 x 10 hours). 


A tree can cost a lot to purchase, grow, and maintain. However, the price of a tree can be prohibitively expensive when compared to other expenses. If you’re interested in purchasing a tree, it’s important to consider the cost before making a decision. Additionally, it’s important to consider how much a tree will cost to tear down.