What Is Land Management System? 

A land management system is an efficient way for municipalities to manage their finite physical resources. A comprehensive system includes established ordinances, codes, and statutes to assist in the management of assets. This coordinated approach is critical for municipalities to meet the needs of residents both now and in the future. This system helps municipalities organize the process of asset management by tracking data, managing permits, and recording system information. For example, Frederick County, Maryland, recently hired KCI to upgrade its land management system. The company provided project management services and facilitated the implementation of technology. 

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SLM is a land management system that aims to improve agricultural productivity, soil quality, and biodiversity, and conserve ecosystem services and values. This approach is often favored over high-input practices, such as conventional tillage and commercial fertilizers. SLM practices offer a high BCR and positive NPV. For this reason, the FAO is focused on scaling up SLM practices to target specific problems. 

The data for this study was collected in 2014 and includes surveys of the agricultural activities of 320 farming households. These households were chosen to reflect the breadth of agricultural conditions in three counties. Those selected for the study were known to the local survey funders, which ensured a representative representation of rural households. The dataset provides the most comprehensive information available on farm characteristics and agricultural practices. 


Land management systems help municipalities manage the physical resources that make up their communities. These systems allow municipalities to easily organize and maintain their land assets, while also supporting existing ordinances, codes, and statutes. In addition to facilitating the management of assets, these systems also manage permits and data. KCI helped Frederick County, Maryland upgrade its land management system by providing project management services and technology implementation. 

Land management systems can help organizations compete in today’s data-driven environment. By investing in these solutions, companies can position themselves ahead of their competitors and achieve long-term success. 


The program of Land Quality Indexes, or LQIs, aims to address dual objectives in land management and environmental monitoring. It has recently been implemented on national levels and forms part of an international effort to improve land management practices. The LQI approach incorporates biophysical and socioeconomic information to measure and manage land. It also provides a methodology for the integration of such information. 

Sustainable land management is essential to ensuring the most efficient use of limited resources. To meet this end, policymakers need to have an accurate picture of environmental conditions. Land quality indicators measure such factors as nutrient balance, loss of organic matter, and land use intensity, diversity, and cover. These indicators help task managers and decision-makers monitor the performance of individual projects, and they also provide data on whether or not they are moving in the right direction. 


There are several factors that affect the scalability of land management systems. These factors can include the number of users the system can handle, its geographic reach, and its capability to add new functionality. Additionally, the system must be scalable without compromising efficiency or profitability. Technology that is designed to scale with an organization can alleviate some of these pressures. For example, software as a service (SaaS) from companies such as CINC Systems can eliminate the need for on-site servers and physical files. 

Scalability is an important feature of any land management system. A land department that wants to remain competitive must adopt efficient processes and technologies that can drive efficiency and reduce costs and time. This means involving all stakeholders early in the development process. This is especially important for those in the upstream oil and gas industry, as land data impacts many functions in the company. 

Reporting requirements 

An essential ingredient for a high-quality land management system is reliable reporting. Good reporting saves time by delivering accurate data that is easy to read. In addition, user-friendly reports provide additional value. MyQuorum Land’s drag-and-drop reporting allows users to select data sets and run a report, while customizable look-and-feel options increase data sharing and decision-making capabilities. 

Ultimately, the new reporting process will provide a spatial component to land health reporting. Land health achievement and non-achievement data will be stored in geodatabases that can be queried for reporting purposes. This process will improve BLM accountability and help the public and Congress understand the state of land conditions in the country. This will also help with BLM’s land use planning.